Problem of Cadena(AppLinkMaker) for iOS

There is Cadena to one of the application developed by me.
This is an application that generates a link iTunesStore.

Version1.0.2 later, because there is a problem to be rejected with “iTunes connect” This update has stopped contrary to my intentions.

It does not pass the review in Cadena alone, I have released in the form that is included iHatenaSync, in PressSync the Cadena.

Please note that there is no chance in the future to solve the problem that currently has the Cadena.

via PressSync

PressSync Version 0.0.2(β) has been released

Release Note.

  • Fixed a criterion in selecting the Img tag in the post screen.
  • blog_title and blog_tagline(blog options) no longer be changed.
    (I tried it as set with the Escape a string, but I could not be updated correctly the blog title that contains the “‘” . I suspect that there is a function to avoid SQL injection in “wp.SetOptions” function.)
  • Fixed a bug in the snippet call.
  • Fixed a bug that can not be delete custom field.
  • Fixed a bug that you can not add the account only up to five.
  • Fixed a bug where the display position of the thumbnail of landscape mode was shifted at post screen
  • Fixed a bug that display was broken, display the contents of the blog button when more than one line.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

There is an upper limit to the payout promotion code. It has been distributed a promotional code on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please do not open the links below no person interested in the application.

Promotional code is here.
Install PressSync
(30 promo codes is included)

If you were unable to install, please contact me if you want to try out PressSync absolutely.

Big trouble is not found in the application, and then publish the Version0.0.2.
The day before the release date, I will announce on this blog again.

Best regards.

I have distributed a Promo Codes(PressSync – WordPress blog editor for iOS)

The other day, I was looking for beta testers PressSync, but are struggling to not gather easily.
So I will publish the URL for the installation of the application to be able to use to the general public.
I be sorry. There is a limit to the number that can be installed, that you become first come, first served.

Please do not open the links below no person interested in the application.

Please note that the known bugs of several included in the PressSync Version 0.0.1.
Install PressSync
Best regards

Beta testers wanted(PressSync – WordPress blog editor for iOS)

I have developed a PressSync, and released in AppStore.
But is set at a future release date, it is the state that is not open to the public yet.

Could you tell me your impressions using PressSync?
I will give a promotional code to volunteers.
Overview of the app here.
PressSync – WordPress Editor for iOS

Volunteers, please leave a comment for this post. (Please enter the exact E-Mail Address and blog URL)
Please contact me in English.
I do not moderate comments on this Page. So your comments will not be published.

If you determine that you are using the app, it’s not a useful app, please stop using the app without reporting to me.
I am not good at English, so if you find any mistake in the text, please report to me.

I would like to publish(Tire5) in May this app.

Best regards.

via PressSync

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via PressSync






via PressSync



via PressSync